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Found 3 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 1 through 3


Evolution of pitch angle distributions of relativistic electrons during geomagnetic storms: Van Allen Probes Observations

We present a study analyzing relativistic and ultra relativistic electron energization and the evolution of pitch angle distributions using data from the Van Allen Probes. We study the connection between energization and isotropization to determine if there is a coherence across storms and across energies. Pitch angle distributions are fit with a J0sinnθ function, and the variable ’n’ is characterized as the pitch angle index and tracked over time. Our results show that, consistently across all storms with ultra relativistic electron energization, electron distributions are most anisotropic within around a day of Dstmin and become more isotropic in the following week. Also, each consecutively higher energy channel is associated with higher anisotropy after storm main phase. Changes in the pitch angle index are reflected in each energy channel; when 1.8 MeV electron pitch angle distributions increase (or decrease) in pitch angle index, so do the other energy channels. We show that the peak anisotropies differ between CME- and CIR- driven storms and measure the relaxation rate as the anisotropy falls after the storm. The isotropization rate in pitch angle index for CME-driven storms is -0.15±0.02 day−1 at 1.8 MeV, -0.30±0.01 day−1 at 3.4 MeV, and -0.39±0.02 day−1 at 5.2 MeV. For CIR-driven storms, the isotropization rates are -0.10±0.01 day−1 for 1.8 MeV, -0.13±0.02 day−1 for 3.4 MeV, and -0.11±0.02 day−1 for 5.2 MeV. This study shows that there is a global coherence across energies and that storm type may play a role in the evolution of electron pitch angle distributions.

Greeley, Ashley; Kanekal, Shrikanth; Sibeck, David; Schiller, Quintin; Baker, Daniel;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 12/2020

YEAR: 2020     DOI:

pitch angle distributions; relativistic electrons; ultra relativistic electrons; Van Allen Probes; pitch angle distribution evolution; anisotropic electrons


A neural network approach for identifying particle pitch angle distributions in Van Allen Probes data

Analysis of particle pitch angle distributions (PADs) has been used as a means to comprehend a multitude of different physical mechanisms that lead to flux variations in the Van Allen belts and also to particle precipitation into the upper atmosphere. In this work we developed a neural network-based data clustering methodology that automatically identifies distinct PAD types in an unsupervised way using particle flux data. One can promptly identify and locate three well-known PAD types in both time and radial distance, namely, 90\textdegree peaked, butterfly, and flattop distributions. In order to illustrate the applicability of our methodology, we used relativistic electron flux data from the whole month of November 2014, acquired from the Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope instrument on board the Van Allen Probes, but it is emphasized that our approach can also be used with multiplatform spacecraft data. Our PAD classification results are in reasonably good agreement with those obtained by standard statistical fitting algorithms. The proposed methodology has a potential use for Van Allen belt\textquoterights monitoring.

Souza, V.; Vieira, L.; Medeiros, C.; Da Silva, L.; Alves, L.; Koga, D.; Sibeck, D.; Walsh, B.; Kanekal, S.; Jauer, P.; Rockenbach, M.; Dal Lago, A.; Silveira, M.; Marchezi, J.; Mendes, O.; Gonzalez, W.; Baker, D.;

Published by: Space Weather      Published on: 04/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2015SW001349

pitch angle distributions; self-organizing maps; Van Allen belt\textquoterights monitoring; Van Allen Probes


Survey of radiation belt energetic electron pitch angle distributions based on the Van Allen Probes MagEIS measurements

A statistical survey of electron pitch angle distributions (PADs) is performed based on the pitch angle resolved flux observations from the Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) instrument on board the Van Allen Probes during the period from 1 October 2012 to 1 May 2015. By fitting the measured PADs to a sinnα form, where α is the local pitch angle and n is the power law index, we investigate the dependence of PADs on electron kinetic energy, magnetic local time (MLT), the geomagnetic Kp index and L-shell. The difference in electron PADs between the inner and outer belt is distinct. In the outer belt, the common averaged n values are less than 1.5, except for large values of the Kp index and high electron energies. The averaged n values vary considerably with MLT, with a peak in the afternoon sector and an increase with increasing L-shell. In the inner belt, the averaged n values are much larger, with a common value greater than 2. The PADs show a slight dependence on MLT, with a weak maximum at noon. A distinct region with steep PADs lies in the outer edge of the inner belt where the electron flux is relatively low. The distance between the inner and outer belt and the intensity of the geomagnetic activity together determine the variation of PADs in the inner belt. Besides being dependent on electron energy, magnetic activity and L-shell, the results show a clear dependence on MLT, with higher n values on the dayside.

Shi, Run; Summers, Danny; Ni, Binbin; Fennell, Joseph; Blake, Bernard; Spence, Harlan; Reeves, Geoffrey;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 12/2015

YEAR: 2015     DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021724

pitch angle distributions; Van Allen Probes
